Sharing the World of Plants
Flora ID is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to a
broad range of interests surrounding the realm of plants.
Sharing the World of Plants
Flora ID is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to a
broad range of interests surrounding the realm of plants.
Install the Android Apps of Flora-ID in three simple steps. After purchase, you will be able to download your software from within your account anytime, anywhere!
That’s it! It’s that easy to get started.
If you now are using one of the comprehensive ‘Pro’ Android apps, even if you have used our wildflower apps in the past, please READ THIS PARAGRAPH:
The comprehensive apps with all vascular plants of a state/province or region require a subtle but important change in how you use of the key.
Opening the app, the top of the screen shows the title, 2 tabs for Browse and Key, and 3 active icons. The first icon lets you search for plant species in the Browse window. The second icon changes the Browse plant list between being sorted by common names, or by scientific genus-species names, or by family. The third icon is for a menu of information about the app.
Use Browse to look up images and information about each plant.
The Key tab accesses the interactive key for identifying an unknown plant.
Note: At first the key has three icons above it.
After you have marked your first attribute, two more icons appear at the top.
There is a gray toolbar at the bottom of the key.
YES > Marking an attribute as YES leaves a blue “+” mark and eliminates all species that never have that characteristic
NO > Marking an attribute as NO leaves a red “-“mark and eliminates all species that have that attribute, even if the plant you are identifying may sometimes have that attribute (use this mark with caution!). Using No is best avoided, and not needed to key out a plant.
OR > Marking an attribute as OR makes a green “/” mark and eliminates all species that never have that attribute.
If the attributes you have entered reduce the remaining plants to a small number, and your unidentified plant is not among them, there are three possible reasons:
Many scientific plant names have been changed in recent years. If you are searching for a plant by scientific name and cannot find it in Browse, in the Key go to the Genus name or Family name menus and select the genus or family name you are searching for. This will reduce the Browse list to all plants which have ever been included in that genus or family. Note that scientific name synonyms are included in the text information in the Description Window.